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Advances in technology will help the activity of human life and really felt the benefit for us. One example is the emergence of a Google-made applications such as Google Earth. Now, with the Google Earth globe as if it could be in the hands, in our computer screens.

Well, this information may be outdated or have multiple public knowledge. But what's the harm if I wanted to write back. Who know some of you have never even touched the ball earth browser application, Google Earth. With Google Earth we as Muslims can check whether our prayers Qibla direction is correct according to a direction facing the Kaaba is located in the Grand Mosque, Mecca, Saudi Arabia. In accordance with GPS data on Google Earth, the Kaaba is located at position 21 ° 25 '21:07 "N, 39 ° 49' 34.38" longitude.

Well, I'm now going to test the accuracy of the direction of Qibla from Masjid Manarul Ilmi ITS Surabaya. By using Google Earth can we know that the pride of the campus ITS Surabaya Mosque is located at position 7 ° 16 '56.35 "latitude, 112 ° 47'34 .64" longitude.

The test steps are as follows:

1.Make sure your computer has installed the Google Earth software. Jika belum terinstal anda bisa mendownloadnya disini . If not already installed you can download it here . Then, make sure the computers also have internet access so you can be comfortable enough to use this application later.

2. After the application can be opened, just perform a search of the mosque which position you specify for the direction kiblatnya tested. In this case is Manarul Ilmi Mosque ITS Surabaya. You can do a search can be manual or by typing the coordinates position on the panel 'Search> Fly to' as shown below. Type 7 16 '56.35 "S, 112 47'34 .64" E and press the search button. Then you'll be taken to fly toward the target. And the panels 'Place' will be stored according to the coordinates of the search location.

3. After finding the location that you specify before, then mark these locations with a menu of 'Add> Placemark' and save. Make sure the location names appeared on a panel Place.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to find the Kaaba in Mecca by typing 21 25 '21:07' N, 39 49 '34.38 "E and press search. Then save the location so that it appears on the panel Place.

5. Select menu 'Tools> Ruler', then click on the Kaaba was so there would be a point at the Kaaba, and a straight line at that point by moving a cursor or pointer in accordance with the motion of your mouse. Its function is to determine the straight distance between two different locations. What we use is the straight line between the Kaaba as the Qiblah of Muslims praying mosque that we set earlier.

6. Then double click on the name of the location of the mosque that we store on Place bar. Then you'll be taken to fly toward the location of the mosque.

7. Then a straight line will appear. Well, it is a straight line drawn from the location where the cursor or pointer is located to the position earlier Kaaba. These lines can be understood as the direction of Qibla towards the Kaaba. We can also see the straight distance between the mosque is the Kaaba. From my observation distance Manarul Ilmi Mosque Kaaba with ITS is the extent to 8569.84 km.

8. Well, already the mecca mosque sesuaikah you specify this?

With Google Earth you can also find out the position coordinates of your home, office or whatever you want. Enjoying...