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Google Translate Indonesian

You have trouble reading the web in a foreign language? Now you do not bother and trouble to understand the content of websites with foreign language, because Google has added the Indonesian language in the Google translation engine. Google claims that his translation engine is the best in the world because the approach to translation with human translation approach using many types of vocabulary and grammar course.

Indonesian has been included in the list of existing languages in Google Translate or Google Translate. There are 11 new world language enter into Google Translate, among other Catalan language, the Philippines, Hebrews, Indonesia, Latvia, Lithuania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Vietnam. So for now, google translate has supported 35 international languages.

The workings of Google's online translation engine is to make English as the lingua franca among other languages. So for example you want to interpret or translate words, sentences, paragraphs, or even a whole website from French to Indonesian. Well, the procedure is carried out google will mentranslate French into English first and then will be translated from English into Indonesian so.

If you are not understood by the methods used in google translate this page you can read the questions and answers (FAQ) here for the FAQ in the Indonesian language and FAQ Google Translate in Bahasa Indonesia .

Tips to get the translation from Google Translate is try to write in Indonesian language is good and right in the blogs. Do not use the word stands, reduce the use of words and slang. I have always tried to write using the Indonesian language is good and true. it will help Google to translate the source language.

If you want to translate this blog into another language you can select it in the sidebar, there are bloggers in the search box translate the widget. Select and click on the flag that symbolizes language translation results .You too can add these widgets free of charge on your own blog .